USB sticks and power banks during the Chinese Golden week

USB sticks and power banks during the Chinese Golden week

Date 19-09-2016
Author: Kevin

In a nutshell; ‘place your order before the 23rd!’

The holiday period started on the 15th and 16th of September with the Mid Autumn Festival. Next one coming up lasts a whole week! It goes by as the Golden Week lasting from the 1st to the 9th of October.


What is going on?

One of the Chinese holiday periods is coming up very soon. This celebration includes fire dragon dancing, displaying of lanterns and eating moon cakes under the moonlight with family members. This is all great for Chinese culture, but it means production is called to a halt for several days completely. Which is bad for western import. However, due to our years of experience we have learned to tackle this problem and get you through this period with flying colours!

Why will this affect you?

Almost all of our (and other supplier’) USB sticks and power banks are manufactured in China. In the weeks leading up to the Chinese Golden week the manufacturing process will slow down and eventually stop. This will lead to a shortage of supply and increase of prices shortly before and after the holiday. Delivery time will also be affected. Although this will go back to normal a few weeks after the holiday, it is not ideal if you need promotional goods in this period.

What do you have to do?

1. Place your order in time

When you need your order to be in at the beginning of October, then make sure you place your order before the 23rd.

2. Keep things moving forward

Our account mangers are well aware of the Chinese holidays and will try to keep things tight. When a request is placed they will contact you immediately and process your wishes as fast as possible. The sooner you reply to their questions, the easier you will meet the deadline.

3. Enjoy your promotional goods

It is that easy!

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Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Linked-In and stay posted on our latest items. Let us know what your thoughts are on Chinese holidays in a comment, or give us a phone call if you want to know more. We are happy to answer all your questions.


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Branded usb sticks